Healthy Homes Barometer 2016

In which European country do people feel healthiest? Do Europeans think of their homes as a key to health? And do they know what steps to take in the home to boost health? These questions and many more find their answers in the Healthy Homes Barometer – a pan European study carried out by the VELUX Group. Last year’s 2015 Healthy Homes Barometer revealed that people perceive their homes as a key driver of health – that a healthy life, in fact, starts at home. The survey included feedback from 12,000 respondents in 12 countries, and the majority assesses the home to be of higher importance to health than eating fruit and vegetables, avoiding tobacco, or doing regular exercise. The 2016 Healthy Homes Barometer has an even broader scope, with 14,000 Europeans in 14 countries delivering their views. Five key characteristics of a healthy home are identified:
- Good sleeping conditions
- Comfortable indoor temperatures
- Fresh air
- Satisfactory levels of daylight
- Appropriate levels of humidity
Other key 2016 findings are:
- A healthy Europe requires healthy homes
- Home wellbeing and energy saving are what drives renovation
- A healthy home is a happy home
- Europeans tend to overlook the importance of daylight
- Authorities, industry and private individuals need to work together to make healthier homes a reality
Commissioned by the VELUX Group, the Healthy Homes Barometer 2016 was conducted across 14 European countries with guidance by Professor Bernd Wegener, Berlin.
Download: Healthy Homes Barometer 2016 (english version)
Download: Healthy Homes Barometer 2016 (deutsch)